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530 Area Code: Time Zone, Location, Toll Free, and Scam

530 Area Code
530 Area Code

What is Area Code 530?

Area code 530 is located in the northern and eastern parts of California. Area code 530 is the only and first area code that serves California and other areas. It is located in the Pacific Time zone, and it is also called America/Los_Angeles. The current time of area code 530 in the Pacific Time zone is 6:00 am.

The other cities and areas it covers are Redding, Shasta Lake, Willow Creek, Davis, South Lake, Yuba City, Chico, Montgomery creek, and Woodland.

What time Zone is Area code 530?

It is located in the Pacific Time zone, and it is also called America/Los_Angeles. The current time of area code 530 in the Pacific Time zone is 6:00 am.

Top 21 Counties in Area Code 530?

County Total Population

Placer, CA 348,432

Butte, CA 220,000

Shasta, CA 177,223

El Dorado, CA 181,058

Yolo, CA 200,849

Nevada, CA 98,764

Sutter, CA 94,737

Yuba, CA 72,155

Tehama, CA 63,463

Siskiyou, CA 44,900

Lassen, CA 34,895

Glenn, CA 28,122

Solano, CA 413,344

Colusa, CA 21,419

Plumas, CA 20,007

Humboldt, CA 134,623

Modoc, CA 9,686

Trinity, CA 13,786

Mono, CA 14,202

Sierra, CA 3,240

Alpine, CA 1,175

What does 530 area Code Time Zone

The area code 530 is located in the northern and eastern parts of California.

It is located in the Pacific Time zone, and it is also called America/Los_Angeles. The current time of area code 530 in the Pacific Time zone is 6:00 am.

Where is 530 Coming From?

Area code 530 is the only and first area code that serves California and other areas. It is located in the Pacific Time zone, and it is also called America/Los_Angeles. The current time of area code 530 in the Pacific Time zone is 6:00 am.

Where can you find numbers in the 530 Area Code?

Area code 530 is a California telephone area code in northeastern and Northern California .For any number or local call, you need 10-digit dialing in the area code 530.

Is area code 530 a scam?

Particularly, the 530 area code is not a scam, but you can be scammed. Its scam is called a ‘ one ring scam.’ They will give a missed call, so the person becomes curious to know the identity of that unknown number, they try to call them and get scammed easily.

You may block these numbers by using call blocking apps or calling the mobile manufacturing companies to report them.

How do I block Unwanted calls from 530 Numbers?


Open a Phone app on your mobile, then go to recent calls and long press on the unknown number. Many options will display after doing this. Just press the option ‘block of report spam, it will block the number.

On an iPhone

It is also very simple, go to the Phone app and click the ‘Recent calls’ option. Then on the right side, select the circular information and select the number you want to block. Then select’ block the caller.’

Is area code 530 Toll Free?

No, area code 530 isn’t a toll-free number. Mostly people think that its toll-free as its look alike business number.

Do I need to dial 1 before entering the area code when dialing a phone number

Well +1 is the American country code if you are calling inside from America then you don’t need to dial +1. Buy yuo have to dial a 10-digit number for any local call in the area code 530.

Final WordsArea Code 530

These numbers are used for local phone calls, government services, and the suicide prevention hotline. Other cities where such area codes exist are Grass Valley, Igo, Hayfork, Happy camp, Magalia, etc. Want to read about other area code such as 833 area code and 800 area code?

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