929 Area Code: Time Zone, Location Map, and Who’s Calling?

Area code/ dialing code, also called NPA (Number Planning Area), is a 1-3 digit number used to identify a telephone area in a country or a state. The digit is dialed before dialing a personal phone number (7, 10, or 11-digit dialing format). For example, +1 is the area code of the United States, and +44 is the UK’s area code.

929 Area Code

The code telephone 929 is linked with zone-based phone numbers of New York City. It was first put in service by the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA) on April 16, 2011. But area code 929 is an overlay complex of a business phone service plan that assigns multiple dialing codes to a particular geographical area. This code overlay involves the following telephone codes:

  • Area code 929, of New York
  • Area code 718, of Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island
  • Area code 347, of Bronx, Kings, New York, Richmond, etc

This code overlay is assigned to the five boroughs of New York City (Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island). This dialing pattern is a part of an additional overlay code 917 of the North American Numbering Plan for the boroughs of New York City, excluding some parts of Manhattan. 

Area code929
Code overlay929, 917, 347, 718
Region New York City, USA (Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx, Queens and Staten Island)
Standard Time Eastern Time
Time Zone offset-5 (UTC)
Time Zones 1

Where is Area code 929?

New area code 929 will overlay the 718/347 area code region of Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island in New York. You won’t have to change telephone numbers. Effective April 16, 2011, new area code 929 will be available to be assigned to new numbers in the area code region.

Area code 929 primarily serves the five boroughs of New York City, New York. These boroughs are:

  • Bronx
  • Brooklyn
  • Manhattan (Marble Hill area of Manhattan)
  • Queens
  • Staten Island

What time zone is area code 929?

Area code 929 follows Eastern time (ET): 

-EST (Eastern Standard time)

-EDT (Eastern Daylight time) 

Time Zone Offset from GMT/UTC is 5 hours. 

What Time Zone is the 929 area code Located in?

The 929 area code map is located in the Eastern standard time (EST) zone all over New York City, United States.

Nearby Area Codes

CityStateArea Codes
New YorkNY212, 646, 332, 917 
TrentonNJ609, 640
Jersey NJ201, 551
Toms riverNJ732, 848
Elizabeth NJ908
Newark NJ862/973

Counties in Area Code 929

Following is the list of US counties with area code 929:

  • Brooklyn 
  • Queens
  • Bronx 
  • Staten Island 

Cities in Area Code 929

  • Arverne
  • Brooklyn
  • Bronx
  • Bayside
  • Cambria Heights 
  • Elmhurst
  • Flushing
  • Far Rockaway
  • Forest Hills
  • Garden city
  • Inwood
  • Jamaica
  • Jackson Heights
  • Littlenecks
  • Middle Village 
  • New York
  • Oakland Gardens
  • Queens village
  • Richmond hill
  • Rego park
  • Saint Albans 
  • Staten island
  • White plains
  • Woodside Oakland garden

More New York area codes 

New York has a total of 19 NPA/ area codes designated to 12 geographical regions. These are:

Area codeApproximate Location
315North central New York
347New York (excluding Manhattan)
516Southeastern New York
518Eastern upstate New York
585Rochester, Western New York 
607State of South Dakota
631Suffolk county
646Bronx, Manhattan
680Syracuse, Utica, Rome
716Buffalo, Niagara Falls
718Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island
838Northeastern upstate New York
845Southeastern New York
914Westchester county
917Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island
929Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island
934Suffolk county

FAQs about 929 Area Code

I Have a Business Phone Number in The (929) Area Code. Can I Move My Number to GBPN?

Yes, it is possible to transfer a business phone number to GBPN or another provider by a process called ‘porting’; the transfer may take a couple of days or weeks. 800 area code.

What phone number has a 929 area code?

Where is area code 929? Area code 929 serves New York City, NY excluding Manhattan. It is an overlay for area code 718 and serves the same area. As like 707 area code number.

What phone number has a 929 area code

Does I need to have an address in New York to purchase a phone number with a 929 area code?

No. You can buy a phone number with code area 929 from any part of the world where your company is located.

How to Get a Phone Number with the 929 Area Code with Global Call Forwarding

Click on the “Global Forwarding website” of phone number service, and open the tab that says “Select your new phone number.” Choose the country and area code, and make your purchase to get a phone number with 929 area code.

How to make a call to the 929 area code and Is 929 a cell phone

If you’re a local caller of New York, you need to dial your 7-digit phone number. For callers outside New York but within the US, a 10-digit dialing code phone number is used. For international callers, use the 11-digit dialing format. 760 area code.

NEW YORK (AP) — New York City is getting a sixth area code. Beginning April 16, some land lines and cell phones in the outer boroughs will be assigned the area code 929. That code will join the city’s existing area codes of 212, 718, 917, 646, and 347. 

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