Every item you might need for your family’s daily needs is available at Walmart for an affordable price. It also includes things for your furrier family members, such as dog food and leashes.
So while Walmart is a wonderful place to stock up on dog supplies, are dogs allowed there as well? Keep reading the article to learn about their pet animal and dog policy.
Are Dogs Allowed in Walmart?
According to the pet policy, all Walmart locations prohibit dogs and other pets across the country. However, service animals are permitted according to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
It implies that non-service animals like cats, birds, rabbits, and others are not permitted in Walmart stores. Although this company policy has been in place for a while, many pet owners are still unaware of it.
Be sure to leave your pet home if you are traveling with them and intend to stop at Walmart.
What is a service animal?
A service animal is what the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) describes as:
“A dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability.”
An assistance dog, for instance, might be taught to help a person with diabetes. When the owner’s blood sugar levels get too high or too low, the dog may warn them.
Another person with epilepsy may have a service dog trained to recognize the beginnings of a seizure. If a seizure occurs, the dog will aid in keeping the owner secure.
When a dog enters the store, a Walmart employee may inquire whether it is a service animal. Even though they are not required to by the ADA, many service dogs wear a bright vest or harness.
What about service-dogs-in-training?
According to the company’s policy, only service dogs are allowed at retail locations. But service dogs or other animals that are still in training are not permitted in Walmart stores.
What about ordinary dogs?
As previously stated, dogs that aren’t specially trained to work as service animals won’t be permitted in Walmart stores.
Can I take my dog into Walmart in a stroller?
Dog strollers are becoming more and more common. They help solve some of the issues preventing dogs from entering establishments, such as creating messes on the floor or becoming tangled in their leashes. However, your dog in a stroller still has the potential to contaminate food or cause allergies in other customers. In this instance, the answer is still no.
Can I take my puppy into Walmart?
No, even though they might be little and adorable, they are still considered dogs. So you cannot bring them inside a Walmart store.
Why doesn’t Walmart allow dogs?
The FDA’s food service standards are the main reason why Walmart cannot allow ordinary dogs into their stores. These standards declare that bringing animals into food stores is unclean.
Here are some other valid arguments against allowing dogs inside Walmart and other establishments:
- Ticks and fleas can transmit diseases to dogs.
- There will be customers who are allergic to dog fur.
- Food contamination is possible.
- Some customers at the shop could be afraid of dogs.
- Some dogs do not have special training for leashes.
- If a dog needs to urinate or defecate, it may make a mess.
- Other shoppers’ legs could entangle a leash.
what stores allow dogs

The following stores welcome dogs and pet animals in the United States:
- Ace Hardware
- Barnes and Noble
- Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s
- Costco
- Home Depot
- Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft
- Lowe’s
- Michael’s
- Nordstrom
- Old Navy
- Petco/PetSmart
- Pottery Barn
- Tractor Supply
- Target
Why is Walmart receipt lookup not working?
Walmart and other supermarkets allow service dogs in their stores. The FDA and ADA rule that pet dogs constitute a risk to health, safety, and cleanliness, especially in prepared food areas; therefore, only service dogs are allowed to accompany people with disabilities.
If you bring your service dog with you to Walmart, be aware that staff members may ask you what you need it for or ask you to leave if your dog is acting inappropriately. Does Walmart Pay Weekly?