How Many Days Until the World Ends? Religious & Science

Days Until the World Ends

Being Muslims, we believe that everything in the Universe has come to an end. In our Holy Book Quran, Allah says, “So when the horn is blown a single blast, and the earth and the mountains are lifted and crushed with a single blow; on that Day, the Event will occur.” (69:13-15)

Days Until the World Ends

But now people ask how many days until the world ends. We have no particular answer to this question. In the Quran, the end of the world is referred to as the Hour. Nobody knows when it will be except Allah. But there are many indications that it is near. This article will discuss some facts and myths about the end of the world.

How long Till the End of the World

People ask how many days until the world ends. We have no particular answer to this question. In the Quran, the end of the world is referred to as the Hour. Nobody knows when it will be except Allah. But there are many indications that it is near.

However, scientists and technologists can predict the age of the Earth. They can hypothesize how long till the end of the world. The study will have base on the estimated effects of several long-term influences. These include:

  • Chemistry at Earth’s surface 
  • The rate of cooling of the interior of our planet
  • The gravitational interactions of the Earth with other objects in the Solar system
  • A steady increase in the Sun’s radiance

An uncertain factor is the influence of new technology introduced by humans. For example, climate engineering can cause significant changes to the planet.

Will Earth Ever End?

Yes, one day, the Earth will come to an end. There is no doubt about it. 

The rate of nuclear fusion of the Sun is continuously increasing. As a result, it heats up. As the Sun enters the red giant phase, its orbit will expand beyond its current trajectory. So, it will absorb our planet Earth in the near future. 

How Long Before Earth Dies

The Sun’s luminosity will be 10% higher in about one billion years. It will cause the atmosphere of the Earth to become a moist greenhouse. As a result, evaporation will happen in the oceans. So, tectonic plates will come to an end with the entire carbon cycle. 

After this event, in about 2–3 billion years, the planet’s magnetic dynamo may cease. It will destroy the magnetosphere, which leads to an accelerated loss of volatiles from the outer atmosphere. Four billion years later, the increase in Earth’s surface temperature will cause a runaway greenhouse effect, creating conditions more extreme than present-day. It heats the Earth’s surface enough to melt it. By that point, all life on Earth will end. The most probable fate of the Earth is absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years. It will happen when the star has entered the red giant phase.

The end of Life on Earth 

Life on the Earth will end one day. Scientists agree that comets and asteroids are natural threats to human existence. Stephen Hawking and many other scientists say that any comet or asteroid larger than 20km in diameter that hits Earth will completely destroy complex life. The destruction will include all animals and most plants. Even a much smaller asteroid can cause severe damage.

The End of the planet Called Earth

The planet Earth will end one day. Many scientists, including the late Stephen Hawking, agree that space rocks are natural threats to human existence. Any space rock with a diameter larger than 20km can completely destroy life on Earth. Even a much smaller one can cause severe damage. Here are different types of space rocks:


It is a ball of rock and ice. It emits a tail of gas and dust behind it. Bright comets appear in our visible night sky.


It is a few feet to several km in diameter. They appear as shooting stars. Asteroids have no tail.


It is a part of an asteroid or comet.

The end of Homo Sapien Sapiens

The word “Homo sapien” means the wise human. It’s a term derived from Latin. 

Homo sapiens sapiens is the sub-species that originates from Homo sapiens. This subspecies includes only modern humans. So, we can say that Homo sapiens sapiens is the scientific name for humans.

So, we are talking about the end of humans. We may call it the end of life on Earth. 

We, humans, believe that everything will come to an end one day despite our religions. As the Earth destroys, all the species on it will die.

What is “year” and What year is it

You can define the year as the orbital period of a planetary body. For example, Earth is moving around the Sun in its orbit. It completes its rip in almost 365 days. So we define a year as a period of twelve months or 365 days. Our year begins on the first of January and ends on the thirty-first of December. 

The Julian year is a unit of time in Astronomy. It can be defined as 365.25 days of exactly 86,400 seconds. The second is used as the base unit for time. So there are precisely 31,557,600 seconds in the Julian astronomical year. The current year is 2022.

What is "year" and What year is it

How many years after Adam and Eve was Jesus born

Jesus Christ was born 3974 years, six months, and ten days after the birth of Adam and Eve.

Here is the detail:

  • From Adam to Noah’s Flood, there were 1656 years.
  • From the Flood of Noah to Abraham’s departing from Chaldea, there were 422 years and ten days.
  • From Abraham’s departure to the exit of the children of Israel are 430 years.
  • Fromthe going of the Israelites from Egypt to the first building of the temple, are 480 years.
  • From the first building of the temple to the captivity of Babylon, are 419 years and a half.
  • Jerusalem was re-edified and built again after 70 years.
  • From the re-edifying of the city to the coming of Christ, there were 483 years.

What was Earths Population at the time of Noahs Flood

People ask about the population of the Earth at the time of the Flood. The Bible does not tell how many people were on Earth when the Flood began. So we can make rough guesses about the pre-Flood population.

The population was relatively low, according to some people. The Bible explains that people were extremely corrupt and violent at that time.

Others believe that Earth’s population was much higher. If the growth rate of the world was equal to the growth rate in 2000 (0.012), there could have been about 750 million people at that time.

There were only eight people who survived the global Flood. These people were Noah, his three sons, and their four wives. Everybody outside Noah’s Ark died when the Flood began.

Do decades Begin in years Ending in ‘0’ or ‘1

A decade begins with a year in which the final digit is 1. In other words, we can say that a decade ends with a year in which the last number is 0. For example, the 20th century began in 1901 and ended in the year 2000.

You can also apply the same rule to a century and a millennium. 

Does the Bible say that the world will End in 2022

There is no specific time mentioned in the Bible for the end of the world. However, some events in the Bible indicate the end of the world.

The phrases “The end” and “The end of the age” are recorded twelve times in the Bible. Jesus referred to them as His return to this Earth. It is when the world’s people will be separated into two groups. One group includes those who will be thrown into the furnace of fire. The other ones will shine like the Sun in the kingdom of their Father.

What Book of the Bible tells about the end of the world?

The Bible does not tell the exact date or time for the end of the world. However, some hints indicate the ending of the world. The phrases “The end” and “The end of the age” are recorded twelve times in the Bible. Jesus referred to them as His return to this Earth.

What does Jesus say about the end of the world?

The phrases “The end” and “The end of the age” are recorded twelve times in the Bible. Jesus referred to them as His return to this world. On His return to this world, the people will be separated into two groups. One group of people includes those who will be thrown into the furnace of fire due to their evil deeds. The other group of people will shine like the Sun in the kingdom of their Father.

FAQ – How Many days Until the World Ends

What are the end times prophecies

First, we need to know about the end time. The end time is also known as end times, end of time, end of days, last days, final days, doomsday, or eschaton. It represents the future as described in several world religions. It teaches us that world events will reach a climax. 

The end times prophecies are different in different religions. The Abrahamic faith maintains a linear cosmology. In Judaism, the term “end of the days” reminds us of the Messianic Age. It includes the coming of the Messiah, the resurrection of the righteous, and the world to come. Some forms of Christianity indicate the end time as a period of tribulation. 

In Islam, the Day of Judgement is preceded by the al-Masih al-Dajjal’s appearance, followed by the descending of Isa (Jesus). Isa will triumph over the false Messiah, which will lead to a sequence of events that will end with the Sun rising from the west and the beginning of the Qiyamah.

Who Predicted the world will End

It’s hard to name one person that predicts the end of the world. Many scientists, including the late Stephen Hawking, say that any space rock larger than 20km in diameter that hits Earth will completely destroy complex life. The destruction will include all animals and most plants.

Is the world coming to an end?

Based on the ways the world is most likely to end, explained by scientists, we can say that the world is coming to an end. Here are some of them:

Nuclear war
Biological and chemical warfare
Catastrophic climate change
Ecological collapse
Asteroid impact
Supervolcanic eruption
Solar geoengineering
Artificial intelligence

How is life on Earth Going to End

Life on the Earth has been surviving for over 4 billion years. But that’s all going to change. Everything has come to an end. As time passes, catastrophic events will affect the planet Earth. 

As the sun ages, its core expands. As a result, it heats up, increasing the rate of nuclear fusion. Its energy will boil Earth’s oceans after 1 or 2 billion years.

Later, gravitational interactions among the planets disturb their orbits. There’s a small probability that the Earth gets ejected. The inevitable Andromeda-Milky Way merger can also occur after 4 billion years. 

The Sun will become a red giant a few billion years later. Many more catastrophic events will happen. At last, the Sun will finally destroy Earth’s leftovers. Only the rare and isolated will remain intact for longer.

When was the world Supposed to End?

No one can exactly tell when the world will end. People guess the age of the world as described in their religious books. But we don’t have a definite answer to this question.

What is the movie about the world Ending

Here are some best movies about the end of the world:

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
Little Shop of Horrors: The Director’s Cut (1986)
The Mitchells vs. the Machines (2021)
Deep Impact (1998)
Children of Men (2006)
Take Shelter (2011)
Melancholia (2011)
The Day After (1983)
12 Monkeys (1995)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)

How long was the black hole after the Big Bang.

Black holes form very early in the Universe, typically less than one second after the Big Bang.
They are nearly collision-less and stable and have non-relativistic velocities. They are naturally a dark matter candidate.

When does the Universe come to an End?

Nobody knows when it will be except Allah. But there are many indications that it is near. And when it comes, it will be of a sudden.

How many days Until world War 3

The British Armed Forces developed Operation Unthinkable in April–May 1945. People thought it to be the first scenario of the Third World War.

Final Words – How Many Days Until the World Ends

People ask how many days until the world ends. We do not have a definite answer to this question. Different religions have different beliefs about the end day of the world. In the Quran, the end of the world is referred to as the Hour. Nobody knows when it will be except Allah. But there are many indications that it is near. Free legal advice and cash app bank name.

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