You can’t even imagine life without the Internet and mobile communications.
During business trips, you want to go online to chat with colleagues, and friends, get directions in an unfamiliar area, or simply post fresh photos on a social network.
In addition, using the mobile Internet, you can diversify your leisure time by watching interesting movies and discussing plans for the next day.
Many businessmen are faced with the fact that huge amounts of money are being debited from their accounts while roaming.
Are there ways to talk and access the worldwide network abroad and at the same time not overpay? Internet in roaming is not cheap, but you can still save money.
It’s a familiar way to stay connected. Messenger app allows not only to call Cuba or other countries but also to exchange text messages.
Today, instant messengers, like mobile operators, offer additional features, on how to communicate abroad for free.

With the standard tariffs of home operators in roaming, you can go broke.
Before the trip, you should ask if roaming will be connected automatically or if you will need to connect it yourself.
The connection will make it possible to save a considerable amount not only on using the Internet but also on calls and SMS.
If you do not intend to use online services during the trip, you need to disable this option, because the phone can automatically connect to the network anywhere.
Roaming benefits:
- Your phone number is saved.
- Support in the native language.
- The usual way to replenish the account.
- No need to spend money on buying another SIM card.
Disadvantages are the following:
- Fixed package. Additional traffic will have to be bought at a different price. Even if you logged into the Internet for only a couple of minutes, the amount for the whole day of using online data will be debited.
- Incoming calls are paid, and according to the conditions of some operators, even if you dropped the call, you will have to pay for it as incoming.
- Different rates for different countries. If you are in a country that is not on the list of popular ones, roaming services can cost significantly more.
- Numerous different tariffs and services can be difficult to figure out on your own.
Usually, basic roaming conditions are expensive. In most cases, it is more profitable to activate special offers with preferential prices for communication/packages of minutes/free incoming calls/packages of SMS messages than to use basic tariffs. Each operator has its special offers, and they are paid differently. For some, this is a daily subscription fee, for others, it is a one-time payment for the service.
Free Wi-Fi
If possible, try to book a hotel room with free Wi-Fi.
The ability to regularly access the network without a fee will reduce the cost of using the Internet to a minimum.
Even if the Wi-Fi in the hotel is not free, it will certainly turn out to be cheaper than using the mobile Internet.
However, you can also use free Wi-Fi in cafés, libraries, and other public places.
Local SIM Cards
It is very advantageous to use local cards abroad. Internet costs, calls, and messages are significantly reduced.
However, not all foreign operators provide cheap rates, so first, study the conditions for using a SIM card.
Some Tips
Follow our advice during business trips:
- While abroad, use Wi-Fi whenever possible: in cafés, restaurants, museums, and hotels. In some hotels, the Internet may be paid for. Usually, it is inexpensive, in any case, it will be more profitable than using your mobile Internet. Just do not open a banking mobile application when you are connected to a public Wi-Fi point, through which scammers, so-called intermediaries, whose presence you may not notice, and they will instantly empty your account, can connect to your smartphone and online bank.
- For calls, use instant messengers. Don’t forget to install these apps. In messenger applications, you should enable the function of downloading media files (photos and videos) only in manual mode. This will also save traffic. Don’t forget to turn off auto-update apps.
- If you can’t do without regular use of the Internet (for example, you are going to use your phone as a navigator), buy a local SIM card. First, you will have free incoming calls and permanent Internet access. And secondly, this SIM card can be used on your next travels.
- Do not forget about savings on roaming after returning from your trip. Otherwise, there is a risk of spending extra money. The fact is that the mobile operator may simply not know that you have returned home, and continue to write off money for connected preferential offers. Therefore, the first thing to do after returning from a trip is turn off temporary services with a subscription fee.
Thus, there are several ways to stay connected when traveling, some are quite problematic, while others cost small money.
In the matter of communication, traveling around the world, everyone chooses what suits him, and it’s good that there is a choice.
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