Whenever you want to start a conversation with anyone, the most common starting phrase is “Hey”. Hence, it is the commonly used phrase but many times people find it hard to respond to it.
Normally, at the dating app tinder when a person or girl text you Hey, you do not want to make a boring response.
A general response can be hey or Hi against the message. However, to make it a perfect response you can add an extension to it. it can be Hi, What is up or How are you doing?
You can select a formal and informal tone for the response as per your preference.
How to Respond to Hey Perfectly in Text or What Should I Reply Hey?
The initial message that anyone send to someone is ‘Hey’. It is a conversation starter always. No matter if,you are talking to a person formally or informally, it is the very first message to expect from anyone.

The person who is starting the conversation can simply use the ‘Hey’ as a start. Now you are in a big fix to give a perfect response against it.
You response can lead the conversation to a next level so it important to not what you respond.
Remember, you are not supposed to make a sarcastic response at all.
It needs to be well composed and just in line with your relationship with the person. If the sender and you are having a formal relationship then you should avoid boring responses.
Keep it simple crisp and professional. Respond with a ‘Hey’ back and ask, “How are you doing” or you can ask, “How can I help you”? the selection of message will define your tone towards the person.
How do I Respond When a Person Says Hey?
Well right in that time you may have a blood rush and a lot of nervousness as well. it depends who sent you the Hey message. It is not possible to have the similar feeling on all incoming messages.
There is a certain person who can send you the intriguing message and you want to respond to is desperately as well.
The best solution is to hold you for a moment. If it is your crush, boyfriend or someone you are eager to talk to you, then you need to respond nicely.
Never be too cold with the response neither too lenient. Maintain a balance is essential to ensure the other person will continue the conversation without hesitation.
The best response you can do is a simple ‘hey’. If you find it too cold then you can go for the ‘hey, how are you doing?’
If an unknown person is texting you, and you find it in message filters then your response can be different. There is no need to be informal or too friendly in tone.
You can simply response “Hey, How can I help” or “Hey, Do I know you?” or even “Hey, Who is this?”
All these responses help you in asking the person about himself and then continue conversation based on his response to your first message.
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Is “Hey You” Flirty & How To Reply To A “Hey You” Text From A Guy
It is confusing to identify Hey You being one of the flirty text messages or not. Commonly, it depends on the person who is sending you this and what is your relationship with him.
In case a person who you do not know using this message as a conversation starter then we can mark it as a flirty text. The person who is unknown wants to be too casual with you for no reason.
On the other hand, if your friend or someone very close to you text you this way then the meaning is different. Normally a conversation partner will send this message casually to address you or get your attention.
It is similar to calling a person loud in order to grab the attention.
Now, the biggest puzzle is to respond the message in both cases. When someone you already know sends you the message, it means there will be a real conversation.
Therefore, you can casually response as “yes”, “Hey”, or even can use other casual name you use for the person.
Whereas, if the person is a flirt or unknown then you have to make it either formal or sarcastic response. It is totally your choice.
If you want to be nice then you can be nice and take up the flirt. However, when you are not interested, it is okay to give it a cold shoulder.
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How to Respond to ‘Hey’ From a Girl in a Text or Dating App
Nowadays conversations require some stating points. on most of the dating apps when people see each other’s profile they prefer to talk or text.
To start a real conversation, it is obvious to send a Hey message to anyone. It is one of the meaningful messages people use in general routine.

Not only the boys but also girls on dating apps use to start meaningful conversation when they like someone. Being a chatty person, it is possible that you will get a message from a girl.
However, you have to be careful in responding to it. make sure you are not overwhelmed by the message and instantly start an information conversation. Keep it a little low key and formally proceed the things.
Starting Impersonal messages can be a good way to respond. You can response as “Hey, hopefully you are doing great” it will not be an obvious response but something different.
Moreover, it is not as flirty as other options can be. Instead of annoying people with common messages, it is better to try something new.
Do’s And Don’ts When Responding to Hey
Receiving’heys’ from people is common. You have to response to such messages at any time of day. all you need is to use the appropriate responses every time.
Here are some dos and don’ts that can help you in doing it better.
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A few do’s
- Be polite no matter if the message comes from a familiar person or an unknown one
- Make sure you are responding well in time with a limited response so it will lead to a potential conversation.
- Do response to the message before it hits the conversation deadline and other person do not need your response anymore.
- Decide an ideal response to the message based on your relationship with the person on the other side.
- Act as original person on message and do not confuse the other side with your vivid behavior.
- Make sure your click bait reply will make you progress on dating platforms and you can arrange a meeting in person soon.
Some don’ts to focus
- Avoid late responses to the messages
- Do not use a funny response in the first message unless you are already friends with the person. Doing so with an unknown can leave your wrong impression on the person.
- Do not try to prove that you are a funny person by giving a long response containing too many expressions
- In online dating when you get the messages from odd numbers, do not go for the direct replies. Act smart and make sure to have a good conversation with the person. It will help in getting close to the person.
Does it polite to greet a person with “hey”?
Yes, it is a normal and one of the most polite ways to greet a person. Sometimes, people do use the other greetings like cultural salutations but that is a person’s own choice.

In general, using a simple Hey is common among the youth and specifically dating apps users. They find it cool and attractive. Using conventional salutations seems old fashioned and a style that does not suit the young people these days.
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Are “Hey” and “Hey There” Greetings the Same?
Many people are confused about the messages of “hey” and “hey there”.
Apparently, these two look similar in meaning and formation but when you have a closer look at the context of the messages, these are quite different.
If we say these two are same then it is not right. Many people take their meaning differently and in actual these are different. “Hey” is one of the common and conventional messages that are used to start a conversation.
It can be used formally and informally at the same time. many people are familiar with the word and use it globally.
In the recent progression, people have started using “there” or “Hey there”. It seems new but do have a simple purpose of getting attention of a person.
Somehow, it is similar to the actualcalling to a person. When you enter in a house, shop or office and have to call up for anyone then you will use Hey there! It is the short form of Is anybody there?
Similarly, when there is an information relationship among the people, they use it as a message.
Sending someone a message of ‘Hey there’ refers toasking for attention or confirming if the person is available for a chat or not. Sometimes, people do ask, “are you available for a chat?” but this can be a little formal.
We normally choose our message and their neutral reply according to the conversation. For the unknown people or formal conversations, Hey is the best starting message.
It brings you to the point and crisp information. On the other hand, to make it a little more comfortable and easy conversation you can use ‘Hey there’.
How to Respond to Hey Text If You Want to Continue the Conversation?
It can be a tough nut to crack in actual. Most of the times, people are unable to keep going with their conversations because of late reply or direct replies.
When you respond to a ‘hey’ with a simple and precise ‘hey’ then the other person might feel little offend. Because you did not gave a clickbait reply that can trigger the excitement.
When you intend to continue the conversation, then keep it slow but well managed. you can use the actual response examples and pick up some responses.
If you are not good at taking help then it is fine to go with the flow. Remember, you response should not be too cold or subtle at all.
It is better to have a little warm response that will make the other person interested in the conversation.
Casually, the response is about asking how the other person doing, feeling and then you can ask something interesting about the person during conversation. It will help to extend the conversation and eventually it will become more exciting.
How to Respond to Hey Text Message If You Don’t Want to Talk Anymore?
It happens that sometime you do not want to continue a conversation. However, you have to response to the first message in any case because you do not want to be rude.

Normally, people sue to ignore the messages when they are notavailable. It can be an easy go but at the same time a rude behavior as well.
Therefore, you need to respond with elegance to the person and end the conversation as well. it might require you to put some additional efforts but you can make a great way out of the situation.
If you want to quit conversation right after firstmessage, you can response, “Hey, do you have anything urgent as I am quite occupied right now”.
The response is no rude and so calming that the other person will let you know if there is an urgent matter or not. If there is no urgency, you can simply avoid any conversation and it is sorted.
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Ways for How to Respond to Hey If You Want the Conversation to End
There are numerous ways to end a conversation all you need is to pick up the best one out of them based on the timing and situation.
- Mention you are a busy – it is easy to let the other person know about your busy schedule and excuse from a conversation.
- Agree to their point and end it – if there is a hot debate going, stop giving your views on the things and simply agree to what the other person is saying.
- Be polite n bidding bye – do not be rude but politely mention that you are done/tired or have some work to do and will contact back as you are free.
- Set an appointment – if you do not want tohurt, the person is feeling you can setup an appointment to text back after two or three hours or probably the next day.
If a girl texts you heyyy first what do you respond with
When you get a text from a girl, instead of being over excited, you can make a neutral reply. It is best to reply with Hey only or ask about how she is doing.
If you are talking to her on a dating application then a nice compliment can be value added. You can talk about visiting her profile and seeing her picture or praise her beauty.
It will be a nice and warming response that keeps the girl hooked in conversation.